Project Scope

Develop a suite of interconnected applications using MACH architecture to handle different aspects of bar operations—from staff management to customer service—with greater flexibility and efficiency for a major bar chain employing over 2000 staff across various locations.

Key Challenges

  • Inefficient order processing
  • Difficulty in managing staff schedules
  • Inadequate customer interaction capabilities
  • Limitations of existing turnkey software solutions in managing diverse resources and operations

Services Provided

  • Internal CRM System for employee data management
  • Bar Management Application for order and reservation management
  • Customer-Facing Application for reservations, orders, and payments via mobile devices

Technology Used

  • Frontend: TypeScript, Redux, React
  • Backend: Golang, Gorilla Mux, Viper, gRPC
  • Mobile Development: Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android)
  • Cloud Infrastructure: AWS suite including EC2, EKS, S3, MongoDB Atlas, OpenSearch
  • DevOps and CI/CD: Docker, Kubernetes, Travis CI, Codefresh

Impact Metrics

  • Quantitative Outcomes: 43% improvement in overall system performance; 32% increase in order processing speeds
  • Qualitative Feedback: Enhanced operational efficiency; Better customer service; Increased customer satisfaction due to faster and more reliable service

Socoro Digital collaborated with a major bar chain to develop a suite of MACH-based applications, enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction through improved order processing and staff management.

Title: Optimizing Bar Operations with MACH Architecture
Service Category: Hospitality Technology Solutions
Industry: Food and Beverage
Region: Australia

Client Context:Socoro Digital collaborated with a major bar chain, employing over 2000 staff across various locations, to overhaul their bar management system and enhance operational efficiency.

Challenge:The client was facing significant challenges with their existing turnkey software solutions, which were not adequately managing the diverse resources and operations of a large bar chain. These challenges included inefficient order processing, difficulty in managing staff schedules, and inadequate customer interaction capabilities. Developing a robust, flexible, and scalable solution was crucial for improving overall service speed and efficiency, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and business profitability.

Solution:To develop a suite of interconnected applications using MACH architecture that could handle different aspects of bar operations—from staff management to customer service—with greater flexibility and efficiency.

Implementation Steps:

  • Internal CRM System: Designed to help manage employee data, track work hours, vacations, sick leaves, and payroll efficiently.
  • Bar Management Application: A tablet-based app allowing bar staff to manage orders and reservations efficiently, directly interfacing with the kitchen.
  • Customer-Facing Application: Allows customers to make reservations, place orders, and handle payments directly from their mobile devices, available on both iOS and Android.

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Clients say

Glenn Kennedy


The Client Portal platform Socoro developed for us has been a game changer. The system provides unparalleled visibility and transparency that our clients appreciate deeply. This visibility, combined with real-time data analytics and customisable reporting, has empowered us to make quicker, more informed decisions, enhancing our operational agility and business optimisation.

Socoro Digital didn’t just provide a product; they equipped us with a strategic asset. The automation of numerous processes within our engineering department has been particularly transformative. By eliminating repetitive tasks, our team can now focus on higher-value activities, driving greater innovation and efficiency. The integration with our existing CRM and the strategic enhancement of our sales processes have also led to improved client retention and an increase in new business growth.

Partnering with Socoro Digital on this project has been one of the best decisions we've made.


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