
Enhancing Operational Efficiency with Headless CMS for Heavy-Duty Machinery Dealers

Project Scope

Develop a robust, adaptive web application using headless CMS to improve order and inventory management for a leading heavy-duty equipment manufacturer’s dealership network.

Key Challenges

  • Inefficient management of vast inventory
  • Handling a high volume of orders
  • Improving operational capabilities and responsiveness to dealership demands

Services Provided

  • Development of an Auto Parts Catalogue Web Application
  • Engineering an Adaptive UI for various devices
  • Integration of Headless CMS for efficient content management and updates

Technology Used

  • Frontend: Angular, D3, PrimeNG, ngx-translate
  • Backend: Spring Boot, JOOQ, Liquibase, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Redis, ELK stack, Kubernetes
  • Cloud Infrastructure: Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Version Control: Git, GitHub

Impact Metrics

  • Quantitative Outcomes: 36% increase in order processing speed; 20% growth in the customer base due to enhanced processing capacity
  • Qualitative Feedback: Significant improvement in operational efficiency; Enhanced capability to handle higher volumes of orders and warranty claims

Socoro Digital partnered with a heavy-duty equipment manufacturer to enhance their inventory and order management systems using a headless CMS, resulting in increased operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Title: Streamlining Order and Inventory Management with Advanced Web Solutions
Service Category: Automotive Industry Technology Solutions
Industry: Automotive
Region: Australia

Client Context:Socoro Digital partnered with a leading heavy-duty equipment manufacturer, known for their extensive network of dealerships selling trucks and spare parts. The client aimed to enhance the efficiency of their inventory and order management systems.

Challenge:The client was challenged by the inefficient management of a vast inventory and a high volume of orders, which hindered their operational capabilities and responsiveness to dealership demands. Implementing a digital solution was crucial for improving order processing speeds and managing inventory more effectively, thereby increasing overall business efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Solution:To develop a robust, adaptive web application using headless CMS to improve order and inventory management for the client’s dealership network.

Implementation Steps:

  • Auto Parts Catalogue Web Application: Developed a user-friendly interface that allows dealership managers to efficiently order spare parts, access technical documentation, and manage warranty claims.
  • Adaptive UI: Engineered the application to be responsive across various devices, ensuring accessibility for dealership managers whether they were using desktops, tablets, or smartphones.
  • Headless CMS Integration: Utilized a headless CMS to separate the content management from the presentation layer, facilitating easier updates and management without disrupting the user experience.

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Clients say

Glenn Kennedy


The Client Portal platform Socoro developed for us has been a game changer. The system provides unparalleled visibility and transparency that our clients appreciate deeply. This visibility, combined with real-time data analytics and customisable reporting, has empowered us to make quicker, more informed decisions, enhancing our operational agility and business optimisation.

Socoro Digital didn’t just provide a product; they equipped us with a strategic asset. The automation of numerous processes within our engineering department has been particularly transformative. By eliminating repetitive tasks, our team can now focus on higher-value activities, driving greater innovation and efficiency. The integration with our existing CRM and the strategic enhancement of our sales processes have also led to improved client retention and an increase in new business growth.

Partnering with Socoro Digital on this project has been one of the best decisions we've made.


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